Monday, October 13, 2014

Why CMO Clive Sirkin Says We Don't Need Digital Marketing

Marketing has always been a difficult function and it’s only getting more complex. “It’s the tension among the ever-growing field of marketing experts, the digital marketing experts, the CRM marketing experts, the direct marketing experts, event marketing experts, content marketing, shopper marketing experts, big data marketing experts.” Marketing functions are becoming increasingly specialized and it is making it difficult to stand out as a niche expert these days with each area or expertise claiming to know what’s best for the brand or company in question. How do you align all of these competing visions for the same brand?

One thing that remains the constant is that brand success has been and still is about an idea that creates a customer experience and having all parties working towards the same goal is the only way to achieve this vision. Having a clear and unified goal is the single greatest predictor of success when it comes to a marketing campaign. One example is Old Spice’s 2010 marketing campaign. Old Spice has been losing market share to sexier and edgier competitors like AXE over the last few years. The P&G marketing team decided to launch a marketing campaign that killed the notion that Old Spice was for old men but instead for younger and more handsome men. The marketing campaign revolved around Isaiah Mustafa and all the P&G partner agencies were aligned. This Old Spice experience resonated very well with customers because the experience was so consistent from all angles and this created a seamless brand experience for the consumer.

Single marketing stunts should end; companies should focus on ideas and have all parties move towards the same messaging and end goal. “We pull the consumer in different directions, we create complexity. We need to think about how what we do looks to the consumer. Start with the right idea, put it on the table, and nurture it.”

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