Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do brands need to use every social media tool?

I went on a company visit to a luxury clothing brand yesterday.  Not only do they have a normal marketing department, they now have an "integrated marketing" department aka social media.  The department head spoke about the brand's use of twitter, facebook, pinterest, tumblr, instagram, google +, and additional social media outlet that no one in the class had heard of.  It got me thinking: do brands need to be on every social media channel to stay current?

As I've glanced at the content on various brands channels, my gut instinct is: no.  I think that a lot of brands do one of two things if they're on every popular social media application: they either post (mostly) irrelevant different content on each one simply to fill the content calendar or  they post the same content on each channel.

It's frustrating to see a plethora of instagram posts that are not relevant to the brand message, do not have a call to action, and simply seem like spam.  I think it would make more sense for a brand to concentrate on one or two social media channels that make sense for that brand's message and customer base.  If they do this, they can focus more on creating great content instead of just trying to bombard their followers with as many messages as much as possible to stay top of mind.

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