Thursday, October 30, 2014

Political parties seem to disagree on everything....except Amazon

Anyone that has watched the news in the last…forever…knows that political parties rarely agree on anything. In the YouGov Brand Index released lately, however, studies have revealed that individuals from both sides of the political spectrum do agree on one thing – they love Amazon.  

YouGov recently interviewed 600,000 people about 1,200 brands and ranked them by their level of positive and negative feedback. Amazon came in #1 for Democrats, #1 for Independents and #2 for Republicans, just behind Craftsman. Other brands that landed in the top 10 across all political parties include Johnson & Johnson, Craftsman, Clorox and Dawn.

While the company did not report on the bottom 10 list, there were some brands that only appeared for one party, including Dove, PBS and Barnes & Noble, which appeared on the Democrats list only.  Some companies, like Dove, whose ads focus on female empowerment, played into many of the issues of a particular party; others, however, are head-scratchers.

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