Monday, November 17, 2014

The Power of Video

As we start to dive into the analysis of our client for the final project, it is interesting to evaluate social media options and best practices for the B2B area, and within a niche segment that has a small audience. Given that our client operates within the concert industry, using video as key content within the overall marketing strategy seems natural. The trick becomes creating videos that stand out amongst the competition, and are not only found first, but discovered at all.

Apparently more than 85% of the US population has watched a YouTube video at one time in their lives. More importantly for our client, whose customer profile tends to fit that of the company (white, male, middle aged), 71% of men aged 45-54 have watched a YouTube video. And in part because it is the second largest search engine in the world, company sites that contain video are 50x more likely to appear on the first of Google results. Accordingly, 58% of B2B marketers rate videos as the most effective content marketing tactic.

Thus it appears that video may be a no-brainer for our clients – what is there to lose? Unfortunately, quite a lot, because video as a marketing medium requires more time, planning, and curation than other forms of content. The infographic below helps provide basic guidelines for building a YouTube post that gives you the most bang for your buck. Try it out!

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