Monday, November 17, 2014

Twitter users - redefined

Twitter’s shares are down 35% since the beginning of the year. The simple explanation is that it hasn’t been able to show a compelling user growth trajectory. Because this metric is the most important one for a social media platform, it is imperative for Twitter to convince both investors and advertisers that its platform is one that cannot be circumvented.
Twitter has laid out a roadmap for how it will measure, track and serve ads to the eyeballs that never convert. There are currently 284 million monthly active users registered on the platform. According to the company, there are 500 million unique, non-registered users who land on the platform via search or syndication. Given the fact that both celebrities and brands like to use the platform to share their latest news, it easy to imagine that its actual active user base might be bigger than 284 million. So how exactly does Twitter plan on expanding its addressable audience size? Few details were given, but it seems that the algorithm they are developing will create an “instant timeline” to acclimate new and defunct users.

Will Twitter be able to reach its goal? And if so, will advertisers buy into this “broader” definition of active user base or will they rather focus their spend on websites offering more engaged customers?

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