Tuesday, May 16, 2017

SEO Trend in 2017

With every passing year, SEO continues to evolve with the development of new search algorithm and rules. Below are some of SEO trends to look out for in 2017:

Structured data markup. This is to provide “featured snippet” on Google’s search engine result page (SERP). See example below on “How to clear cookie cache on Mac”.

Mobile search optimization. In May 2015, Google reported that mobile searches had surpassed desktop searches on its search engine. Thus, it is critical to have more responsive pages on mobile browsers. One practical solution is integration of Acceleration Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP pages only use one-eighth of data to load content compared to average webpages.

Cross-channel marketing. These days, users are browsing products using multiple channels i.e. mobile, desktop, and tablet. It is important for marketers to create a consistent brand presence across these channels, so that users can move seamlessly between devices and platforms to interact with the site.

Voice search. According to marketingland.com, teens are the highest users of voice search with 59% using voice search while watching TV and 57% while with friends. This high usage number is no surprise given recent improvements in voice recognition technology. In fact, in SMX West 2016, Google’s director of conversational search noted that speech recognition error rate has been reduced to just 8% today.

Short branded links. One way to share one’s content is via ‘short branded links’. This is particularly relevant on Twitter, which imposes 140 characters limit. Compared to generic short links e.g. http://bit.ly/12UR34df, branded links are easier to remember and offer signal of quality on the destination webpage.
Branded links have been used by Fortune 500 companies – Pepsi (pep.si), Starbucks (sbux.co). Furthermore, research shows that using branded links increase CTR by 35%.


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