Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Evolution of Compelling Storytelling in the Digital Age

It's no secret that how we watch content in this current digital age has drastically evolved from as short as a decade ago.  Growing up, we all remember flipping through channels on our television sets, making sure we were home by 9pm on Wednesdays to watch the latest episode of the O.C, or running to the video store on a Friday night before it closes to pick out a few flicks for the weekend.
Now, the effort and planning required to find your favorite content is minimal.  Information and content is literally at our fingertips.  With the press of a button (or maybe a few if we're being exact) you can almost always find the exact program, season, episode, and minute that you'd like to watch.

But, the age of digitization doesn't come without challenges.  With this ease of accessibility, the sheer task of deciding what to watch has become the biggest challenge yet for the viewer.  And from a content creator's perspective, there is more competition and more decisions on how to distribute content than ever.

This Variety article discusses how creators are changing the way they tell stories and deliver their content to consumers due to the dramatically evolving age of digitization.  It discusses issues like news dilution due to increased information demand, the decision of distribution channels, new technologies and how it changes the way we watch content, and more.

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