Friday, July 20, 2018

How to let influencer marketing ease the death of display ads

How to let influencer marketing ease the death of display ads

Display ads have always been questioned for their impact and now the digital landscape has an alternative- influencer marketing!

A study with the market research firm Nielson has revealed that 82% of buyers seek advice for product purchasing (also including people they know online only). This reveals a big market opportunity for increasing trends with influencers. Especially with Millennials, there is more trust on influencers than the brands themselves. Display ads on the other hand, have often garnered consumer mistrust by the impersonal messages and low click through rates (0.05 reported by Double Click). 

Influencer marketing can help in the following ways:

1.     Seeking out to your most socially involved customers
2.     Value engagement over vanity metrics.
3.     Link influence to departmental goals.

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