Wednesday, August 08, 2018

5 ways to integrate video into your digital strategy on a shoestring budget

5 ways to integrate video into your digital strategy on a shoestring budget

Mobile has become a key part of the marketing dialogue, especially with the high adoption rate among millennials. This year the star of the show is Mobile videos; 75% of the video viewing is on mobile. Its important to incorporate videos in your marketing strategy. The following are the do’s and don’t for video creation:

1.     Don’t adhere to strict definitions
With the advent of new technology, the whole definition of video is changing. The videos can be more creative, don’t have to adhere to any specific time duration and experiment with different interactive animations.

2.     Do keep it real
The videos no longer have to be a big production, real videos have a higher connection!

3.     Don’t drag it out
With a short consumer attention span, a 30 sec video is no longer the norm. the marketers need to keep it short and snackable.

4.     Don’t get your hands too dirty
Don’t try to create templates and invest in labor. With new technology, video templates are easily available and flexible to your needs.

5.     Do play around
Experiment and test your videos. There is a need to be agile and incorporate quick changes to your campaign.

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