Wednesday, August 08, 2018

But Have They Gotten it Right?

As I was reading through the above Forbes article, preparing to write this week's blog post on digital marketing innovations and the blossoming opportunity for franchises and businesses to better capitalize on a digital audience, I couldn't help but think - it's still far from perfect.

Along my side bar as I read through the article appeared 2 ads:

1) Google Pixel Phone Case
2) Audit ad

Neither do I have (or want) a Google pixel phone, nor am I shopping for a car. In this case, advertisers got it wrong. My impressions were wasted and no revenue will be generated as a result.

A lot of work to be done, but they are certainly trending in the right direction. Maybe when it comes time for me to select a new phone - I'll go with the Pixel without even realizing why!

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