Thursday, October 24, 2019

Could Triller Challenge TikTok?

According to the Wall Street Journal, Triller, a music-focused video-sharing app, just raised $28 million in venture funding.

We have all by now heard of TikTok and its dizzying growth statistics. With TikTok's 500 - 800 million active users worldwide (I have seen differing estimates) and runaway popularity among teens, the social platform for sharing short videos set to music has earned a lot of attention.

Triller has only 13 million monthly active users and is more concentrated in the US and Europe. However, what could help spur its growth is that it recently successfully closed licensing deals with three global music companies, something TikTok has yet to complete successfully. And as Tiktok faces possible government scrutiny the US, there could be an opportunity for other platforms tot ake its users. Furthermore, Triller has some enthusiastic celebrity supporters in the US.

No matter what happens, things are certain to change quickly.

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