Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Post Box - A Digital Wellbeing Experiment

Google announced earlier today that it will be expanding its collection of "Digital Wellbeing Experiments", in an effort to help user's take back more control of their time amid a constant stream of push notifications and alerts. One particularly innovative experiment, Post Box, allows users to restrict incoming notifications to four times per day. This short clip provides a quick demo of the idea.

By giving users back a sense of control over their time and attention spans, tools like Post Box could help prevent consumers from feeling like they need to "unplug" altogether, by uninstalling a mobile application, bulk archiving mail or unsubscribing from email lists.

This could be a great way for people to maintain connections with brands they like and would like to stay engaged with, without feeling like they are being constantly being distracted by incoming updates, and needing to unsubscribe altogether. 

Given the importance of engaging with members, users and leads overtime in establishing brand loyalty and improving conversion rates, this paradigm shift could be a great way to maintain a healthy balance as users connect with the brands they love. 


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