Friday, November 29, 2019

Cartoon Customer Service

I read an interesting article this week about Powerfront Inside, an online customer service tool that’s being adopted by high end brands like Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf’s and Sephora. The tool provides an interface for customer service agents to visualize online shoppers – as cartoons! Customers are color coded according to their value (determined by past purchases) and they show an array of emotions: happy, angry, hesitant. 

Customers themselves have no idea that they’re being observed shopping as cute little cartoons on a customer service agent’s desktop. But it allows agents to apply more of a human touch when they can visualize customer’s emotions and intent, compared to a basic chat box. The tool also shows valuable information like customer’s country, device type, items in basket and chat history. This allows customer services to really understand the customer and provide a higher level of service.

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