Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Esports as a channel for digital marketing

Esports generated approximately $700MM in revenue in 2017 with +40% in growth rates. It is estimated that global eSport audience currently has 385MM people, with 191MM enthusiasts and 194MM occasional viewers.

Sponsorship revenue is expected to reach $266MM in 2017, while ad spending will hit $155MM. This still pales in comparison to $1.25B haul from the NFL. The digital marketing avenue is unexplored and offers many possibilities.

For one, direct product placement could be built into the game itself. Additionally, the demographic audience reach customers that might be previously unattainable through traditional sports, news and general entertainment audiences. While there are some experts that claim that eSport will not get the adoption it needs without TV presence, I would argue that if the eSport programmatic can be adopted into mobile form factor, and give audiences the ability to store, pause, slow-down or fast forward, it would potentially be a new form of consumable content that is comparable to syndicated/linear programming. This would potential upend the entire media eco-system as we know it.

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