Saturday, March 28, 2020

It seems that everything in the world has turned to COVID-19 – managing for COVID, pivoting for COVID, isolating for COVID. Private industry is trying to find ways to do its part to address COIVD, some have found better ways to fill the void (pun intended).
Yesterday, Apple and the CDC launched an app (in collaboration with FEMA and the White House) to address correct information dissemination. The website and app can help you screen and monitor symptoms, will ask about your travel patterns and exposure and advise if you should get tested and how to do it. While this doesn’t actually solve getting the elusive test, the aim of informing significant swaths of the population correctly about the virus is hugely helpful in helping mitigate spread.
As someone that works for an organization that has a role in disseminating accurate public health information, I appreciate this partnership. Apple will create an excellent and usable product and the content will be developed with experts from the CDC. From a digital marketing perspective for Apple, it couldn’t be a better marketing strategy. Using their expertise on the user experience/product development to do good in a time of crisis when massive amounts of people are looking for answers, Apple partners with THE agency that’s providing the answers. It's a win all around. Not that Apple needs name recognition, but from a CSR strand point, they smell like flowers. 

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