Saturday, March 28, 2020

Who is driving the media resources for COVIS?? Surprisingly ....

Marketers are driving the media resources for COVIS almost across the board. You ever wonder what the power of good marketing is? This is one of the results that tells you how powerful it can be to drive eyeballs to content that you have to offer. There is massive time being spent on how to properly market during this time of crisis. Below is a graph that shows just how much time has pivoted to COVIS related marketing initiatives by ad execs.

This leads me to pose the question, "has there ever been an incident in the world that has pivoted ad exec's time so quickly?" I think the answer to that is NO. We may have events that last one day, a week, or even a month perhaps regionally that could shift some attention. However, the magnitude of the attention that has moved to this topic marks the first that we've seen attention focus to one subject across the world for so long.

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