Thursday, April 02, 2020

Lux Food to Order

Last week in the lecture we hypothesized how consumption patterns might change do to COVID – 19. One industry that I find fascinating as a result of the COVID shut down is the food industry. With the shutdown of bars and restaurants and people now eating at home, there have been some major shifts. There are no big buyers for premium produce and animal products but there are still people that want to eat them, just now they’re eating/cooking in. As a response, some high-end food suppliers are turning to the consumer delivery market—for the first time.
It was actually a food-centered chat with fellow EMBA’s that put me on to the emerging order-direct premium food trend. It started with steaks (Snake River Farms), and as the crisis evolved, so did the sharing. Recipes/plates got more involved and we begin throwing out links for purchasing direct local farms or distributors.
Direct send for premium/fresh food product is great news for lux eaters. They can now fine dine in-home. The Chesapeake Bay, Orchard Point Oyster Co. is offering harvested-to-order oysters; while Marx Foods started delivering ground bison and Iberico pork. The premium food distributors are clinging to the hope that with all of those college kids at home, families who can afford it will order in bulk, but will it be enough, and further, will this stop-gap turn permanent even when restaurants re-open? 

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