Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Packaging and Branding in Pop Ups

The pop up fad has been hot recently. Well up until we all got locked in our homes it was. I still think pop ups are fun. You can go to a store that will only exist for a period of time and experience goods that you normally would not have a chance to experience. This can be a really solid strategy for folks launching digital marketplaces. You roll out your online store then do pop ups throughout your target geographies to build brand awareness and give people a chance to interact with your product. Then after you're gone, people already love your product and can go online to purchase more.

So within pop ups how does packaging affect our experience and our desire to interact with the product in the future?

Lumi recently interviewed an entrepreneur running a grocery pop up and there are some interesting thoughts we can pull from the interview.

First, you can see right from the outset how important branding is within the store. The bags of different items really pop.

The biggest problem with pop up grocer is that the online store is not online yet :(

Huge opportunity missed here. If the founder got up online this could be a great opportunity to push products digitally once someone has experience her product.

While overall, the idea of a pop up grocery is great idea the founder should really be leveraging a stronger digital strategy to complement her solid packaging and brands within the store to maximize revenue.

While this pop up may not be doing this right, there is great opportunities for copy cats to come in and do this the right way :)

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