Saturday, April 25, 2020

Social trends that matter

Social trends that matter

Social media is an obvious force that matter for marketers. There are 3.5 billion daily active users of social media, which is about 45% of the population! And where there is engagement, there is money to be made!

90.4% of Millennials report suing social media as compared to 48.2% of Baby Boomers. Additionally, 73% of marketers believe SM marketing is somewhat or very effective to their needs. And further, some people forget that it actually can help improve their customer experience through brand promotion. Given these benefits, you as the marketer have many routes to go. For example, right now it is very popular to engage with "influencers". 49% of consumers indicate they rely on an influencer when considering purchase decisions. Brand can work with influencers and piggyback on their popularity.

And now, one of the newest hit sensations is Tik Tok. It was the most downloaded app in 1Q 2019. There are >800 million monthly active users, which makes it the 6th most used app. 60% of Tik Tok users are in China, and 69% of users are between ages 16-24. But this is changing fast. Marketers should continue to monitor this platform for future integration into marketing plans.

Good luck!

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