Monday, September 14, 2020

Is Social Media going to get Cancelled?


Is Social Media Going to Get Cancelled?

“Can’t live with it, can’t live without it,” seems to be the association with Social Media these days. With the increasing amount of time spent at home, many consumers feel addicted to their phones and specifically social media accounts. Throughout this pandemic, we have seen social media at the forefront of conversations and as a source for news and education for many people. It might have been on our minds for a while, but now more than ever people’s awareness is heightened over the pros and cons of these trends.

Most recently we’ve seen government regulation with EU’s fight against Facebook, government threats such as Trump’s interaction with TikTok, data breaches or hacks, harmful content and even a new Netflix documentary begin to “influence” how we and all our favorite influencers are interacting with the toxicity of social media.

As more people and influencers focus in on the harmful relationship many have with social media, should we be nervous about its long-term future? More specifically, if I am a brand who focuses on these platforms for commerce, or someone who uses these tools to make a living, should I start thinking about what could be next?

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