Thursday, December 02, 2021

Drones and its use in Digital Marketing Campaigns

While watching YouTube last week I came across a video of drones used for a marketing campaign. The Shanghai-based company used the drones to form a QR Code in the sky which can be scanned to lead to their site. This was so astonishing to see that I started researching and found out that many companies in Hong Kong are using these drones to light up the sky to promote their brands.

Drones can be used for various marketing strategies in promoting your digital marketing agenda. Commercial drone usage is spiking in a variety of industries, including agriculture, real estate, construction, news media, entertainment, film production, energy, and many more. Before drones became a commercial asset, it was hard to effectively display the depth or expansiveness of the products, properties or projects that many industries need to demonstrate to audiences. As part of the emerging technologies, this can be an excellent source of generating more traffic to your websites and showing off creativity.

Link to the QR Drone video:

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