Friday, December 03, 2021

Facebook’s new haptic glove lets you feel things in the metaverse

Facebook has been developing a haptic glove which allows users to feel bursts of air to simulate the sense of touch. This effort has been in progress for about seven years. With it's debut, Facebook is looking to create a virtual space to simulate real like experience without physically being anywhere expect the comfort of your own home. The glove is expected to integrate into Meta's virtual reality technology offerings.

This technology may not be appealing to people outside of gamers initially as putting on large goggles and wearing big gloves may not serve as the best customer experience. Not to mention, as the article discusses the feeling of being more invasive. The technology also can track and collect data about a person's movements. As privacy and data protection begin to be more of a focal point, this technology opens up the door for more of a concern.

Source: Facebook’s new haptic glove lets you feel things in the metaverse - Vox

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