Wednesday, April 07, 2021

 TikTok: The Future Of Digital Marketing

TikTok has invaded and taken over many social media platforms. Many people will notice that TikTok videos are now inundating platforms like Instagram and Facebook. I personally do not have a TikTok, but I see endless posts on Instagram watermarked with the notable TikTok monacre. 

TikTok has invaded other social media platforms and they are changing the way people are buying products. In a hybrid mix of subliminal and attention hyperactive, people are being exposed to advertisements from viral videos of users. 

The advertising method could be considered borderline disingenuous targeting people based on many inborn behaviors. The short length of every video begins by appealing to users with short funny videos that allow you to fit the most amount of videos into a single minute. But as you continue you will see anything from scantily clad influencers to "Trust Fund Flexes". 

No other form of digital advertising has blatantly taken over other platforms. This different type of business model that cannibalizes competition will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future.

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