"Originally titled the "iPod Everything", it was to feature a music player, phone, internet, GoogleMaps, touch screen, numerous applications, and a seemingly infinite number of other features. Then the iPhone was announced. After a little adjusting the iPhone Everything is here".
"The video concept revolves around the myriad features the iPhone has and how someday it will basically be able to do everything under the sun. Of course, the spoof takes things to the extreme, but it got us thinking, what will the iPhone really be able to do in the future--let's say four years from now, in the year 2013? "
Named Time magazine's "Invention of the Year" in 2007 the iphone definitely makes people have something to talk about all the time. With the last 3G iphone launched on July 11, 2008, users are starting to talk about when the new iphone will be launched and what new features it will have.
For those addicted or real fans of Apple Products check out the Ad for the iP Product.
Source:Will the iPhone do everything by 2013? By David Carnoy
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