Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Introducing the Knowledge Graph: things, not strings

According to Senior Vice President of Google Engineering, Amit Singhal, Google currently plans to launch a new search concept, the Knowledge Graph, to English users in the United States via webs, smartphones, and tablets. The Knowledge Graph is a network of over 500 million objects and 3.5 billion relationships between those objects. The Knowledge Graph will find search results that are more relevant than that of current search engine because the Graph not only matches queries to keywords, but also understands their meanings and nuances. Moreover, the Knowledge Graph will provide relevant search summaries by utilizing millions of objects and billions of relationships of the queries. Furthermore, after the first query from a user, the Graph will ask questions to the user to lead him or her to next relevant search by using historical collections of past queries of world-wide internet users.

To my knowledge Google’s current search engine matches queries to keywords, but it has limited ability to interpret meanings of contents from websites or links. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have been developed with respect to current search-algorithms of Google. However, if Google launches the Knowledge Graph, there could be high probability of major changes in Page Ranks. For example, a company shown at the top of a Search Engine Result Page (SERP) might disappear after the appearance of the Knowledge Graph! Consequently, digital marketers now need to come up with strategies to cope with future emergence of the Knowledge Graph. Yet, is it possible to develop optimal marketing strategies without knowing the exact algorithms of the Knowledge Graph? I don’t know.

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