Sunday, November 23, 2014

6 crucial steps for Digital Digital get down

This article touches on six crucial steps to stay relevant for Digital Marketing.

1. Promoted Facebook posts
Don’t try and fight Facebook’s algorithm. Even though it is extremely frustrating for marketers who produce compelling content, if you can’t beat them, join them! If brands want to stay relevant, they will need to pay money to promote a post.

2. Social media brand advocates
If someone likes your band, reach out to them and ask them help promote your company (referrals from friends are so much more impactful.
3. Google+ reviews
Similar to the above.

4. Digital PR
 Reach out to popular blogs with followings to try your product/service and have them write about the experience.

5. Mobile SEO
Making sure that your website is mobile friendly and optimized for SEO will have a huge impact on search results not only this year, but for many years down the road.

6. Digital marketing audit
Digital marketers tend to think that they are always right. Don’t be stubborn in 2015; if you are willing to listen to an outside source, it could open amazing opportunities.

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