Monday, November 24, 2014

WHY?? And other thoughts on a Monday

Why can't I customize my own marketing experience? How come, only once in every few thousand ad's I see, I'm asked if I would like a choice of advertisements. Why are companies paying to guess what I want, can't I get paid for telling them what I want at the time of the advertisement? Why aren't advertisements for interactive in the digital world? 

All of these questions probably have the same answer -- its just not effective. I think thats because we aren't doing it well enough. Marketing messages are probably more than 10% of the conversation, 1 or 2 way, that I have in any given day. I want to get paid for using my likeness just like an artist gets paid for using their content. My demographic/behavioral profile is my content. Where is my remuneration? This entire structure is upside down. There has to be a better way. 


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