Sunday, November 23, 2014

Victoria’s Secret Launches Messaging Capability

Victoria’s Secret Launches Messaging Capability

Victoria’s Secret has added a chat feature to its mobile app, Pink. The company is hoping that the feature will differentiate it from other brands targeting the teen market through Snapchat and other apps popular with the millennial age group.

Victoria’s Secrets’ chat feature comes from a mobile messaging app called Frankly. Victoria’s Secret is the first marketer to utilize Frankly to integrate chat functionality within its mobile app.

The chat feature is unique in that Victoria’s Secret has set up message boards, where “app users can talk about predetermined topics like holiday gifts or school.”


Users can also customize their chat background to be one of several shades of pink and integrate emojis developed for that app.

Clearly there are great advantages to Victoria’s Secret launching a chat system within their app. First, they will benefit from keeping the customer increasingly engaged with the brand. Secondly, and even more important, they will benefit from tracking what millennials are most interested in based on their comments within the message boards. This would provide valuable insight that Victoria’s Secret could leverage in tailoring advertisements and promotions targeting the millennial customer.

Victoria's Secret Wants to Win Over Millennials With Its Own Mobile Messaging App

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