Monday, November 17, 2014

Finally Facebook is Cutting Brand Post Spam

Facebook is finally modifying their algorithm to curtail the reach of brands' unpaid posts that they believe could be considered overly promotional.  The algorithm will evaluate the promotional posts with the same filters that it puts on ads -- such as whether or not people engage or hide them -- to determine if they should be allowed in people's news feeds.  A spokesperson from Facebook says the change will not apply to all of a brands' posts, just the "less creative" ones such as pushing people to buy a product or enter a sweepstakes.

I am excited about this decision.  A few years ago I was a heavy Facebook user, but once my news feed started to get filled with advertisements and random brand posts, the site became less fun and my usage dramatically decreased.  Apparently I am not the only person who feels this way.  The change was catalyzed by a user survey where most respondents said they were seeing too many promotional posts from brands in their news feeds.  I believe that the content brands choose to share will be more thoughtful and as a result will cultivate better relationships with their fan base.

Source: Adage, ""

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