Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Digital marketing budgets are increasing

A survey by techonology researh house Gartner and covering organizations with more than US$500 milllion in annual revenue has drawn the following results:
  • Digital marketing spending averaged one-quarter of the marketing budget in 2014
  • 51 % of companies plan to increase their digital marketing budget in 2015
  • The average increase of the digital marketing budget will be 17%

These trends are, Gartner says, the result of the use of programmatic media, which allows marketers to target the audience they want and automate bidding rules for ads based on the business value they deliver.
Another important trend highlighted by the survey is that the amount of the marketing expense budget spent on customer experience in 2014 averages 18% being that area the one that receives the highest marketing technology investment.
Additionally Gartner add that the line between digital and traditional marketing continues to blur: “it’s less about digital marketing than marketing in a digital world”. What it is beyond doubt is that the relevance of the digital marketing is growing year after year and is becoming one of the pillars of every marketing department.

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