There has been a transformation in how web sites present their content to their visitors and now one can say that now web sites are starting to look a lot less like newspapers and a lot more like television.
Even websites like or started using more online videos and prompting their visitors to press play before they read.
Although online video advertising is a new category and everyone is still working to find the best ad formats, success metrics, and creative approaches, there are very interesting data available in its recent study that can give us an idea of the type of customers that can be reached with an online video marketing campaign.
YuMe, a well-funded company founded in 2004 that provides video advertising technology, has recently published its January 2010 report that contents data from 3 billion advertising impressions.
We can observe very interesting outcomes from this report:
The biggest spender in online video were household consumer products (17%), autos(14%), beauty (12%), and food products (8.6%).
There were two types of add tested 15 and 30 second spots. The 77% of the 15 second videos were watched entirely compare to the 64% for the 30 second spots. However, the CTR (click through Rate) was higher for 30 seconds (1.8% versus 1.2%).
Top audience demographics in terms of performance, average click-through rate and video completion rate, were Persons 6 to 14 and Persons 35+. Average CTR (click through Rate) for persons from 6 to 14 was 3.5% and persons from 35+ were 1.7%.
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