Saturday, October 11, 2014

Can You Make Digital Marketing Feel Premium??

My client for this class, Zakara, is a super-premium organic food home-delivery service. We met for the first time yesterday, and in our conversation, we discussed the challenges of using digital to market a premium product. In light of this conversation, I came upon a recent article in AdAge entitled “What really makes a digital ad ‘premium’?”

The article proposes that a premium digital ad fuses content and context. It engages the right audience at the right place at the right time with highly relevant content. There are three major things to think about when launching a premium ad campaign:

1.     Use data effectively. This drives the context component, including who sees the ad, when, on which platforms, etc. Data also facilitates a process of refinement and optimization of ads. According to the article, “delivering the best user experience at any given moment -- at scale and optimized across all formats and channels -- is the most premium asset of all.”
2.     Scale matters. Don’t go through the laborious process of direct dealings with publishers. Rather, leverage ad networks to tap into a premium audience.
3.     Bring it all together. Create relevant native content and place it strategically. An example of this that the article cites is the Orange is the New Black digital marketing campaign. They created an infographic on women in prison for the New York Times. This is already a place consumers are going to access high-quality journalistic content, making it a good strategic fit for this premium campaign.

I look forward to thinking of creative ways we can help Zakara tap into some of these premium ad strategies.
What Really Makes a Digital Ad Premium?

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