Monday, November 17, 2014

Michael Kors launches a 'shoppable' Instagram initiative

With over 3 million followers, Michael Kors is doing quite well in the digital marketing / social media space within the crowded contemporary fashion marketplace. In a disruptive move to further capitalize upon the holiday season and its loyal fan base, Kors is investing in commerce by launching a new initiative to generate a shoppable feature on the Instagram account. Using the hashtag #InstaKors, Kors is connecting user generated likes to subscribed profiles, allowing the followers to shop directly over 60 products over 20 shoppable instragrams.

While this shoppable component is a small fraction of the total number of product skus, Kors is joining other trendy brands like Marc Jacobs in tapping into social media shopping. Far from a one-time holiday stunt, Kors aims to develop a long term view and (one can imagine, substantial digital marketing investment) to deploy ‘always on’ service.

As a public company with demanding quarter expectations, Kors needs to find new initiatives to drive growth and connect with the ever changing consumer shopping behavior. Trying to break away from standard retail holiday promotions is a smart move, as such new social media initiatives is pushing for topline adoption rather than margin killing short term markdown moves.

This social media connection also allows the brand to capture valuable, instant user data to better understand holiday shopping behavior that it can use toward future product and brand communications. One can expect more brands to join in this highly effective marketing strategy. While it will take some time for brands to adopt such methods and to see a positive ROI, it is the direction that the industry is headed. Kors is doing the right thing to tap into this still new marketplace initiative. Getting in early means capturing data faster than competitors, which may prove to the ultimate determining factor of survival of the fittest. Or, in this case, survival of the most digitally savvy.

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