Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Marketing budgets need to be improved

A recent survey of 200 UK digital marketing managers shows that there is still a huge room for improvement in the marketing budgets.  The survey concludes that there is not enough weight of the digital portion.
The survey draws the following results:
  • 70 % say that they have not achieved the right balance between the on and offline budget 
  • 48 % say that a greater portion of the offline budget should be moved to digital
  • 67 % say online needs to be better integrated with offline marketing
  • 66 % say more needs to be done to integrate different digital marketing tools
  • 46 % say they are currently not working closely with their IT department

One of the reasons of this poor performance in digital marketing could be that, as the survey shows, more than one third of digital marketing managers think that their boss does not understand digital enough and does not invest in it sufficiently.
It is clear that there is a big room for improvement in the digital marketing. In order to improve the current situation is not only enough to be knowledgeable about digital marketing but also to be able to educate and convince the rest of the organization about the relevance of the digital portion. There are lots of missed opportunities out there.

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