Sunday, November 30, 2014

Predictions for Digital Marketing in 2015

Gartner recently released its CEO Spend 2015 report detailing trends it expects to see next year. The report is based on a survey of 315 marketing decision makers in organizations with more than $500 million in annual revenue. Key findings include:
  • The highest marketing technology investment in 2014 was on customer experience. This is considered to be the highest cost innovation project, beating out product innovation. Marketers believe that investing in a personalized customer experience will create a sustainable business advantage and drive profitable revenue growth. This trend is expected to continue in 2015, so we should no longer be surprised when marketers who know more about us than our own families reach out with customized messages.
  • Digital represented 1/4 of the total marketing budget in 2014. The majority of companies plan to increase their digital marketing budget in 2015 by an average of 17%. While these trends are correct, it is difficult to track digital marketing budgets precisely because different companies treat marketing budgets differently. For instance, some companies integrate digital into different marketing functions.
  • The line between digital and traditional marketing is starting to blur. Marketers are able to manage a more balanced and integrated marketing mix. The result moves customers towards a self service buying model, reducing sales costs.
  • Digital marketing will share its top ranking with mobile marketing in 2015.
  • Gartner's 2014 CEO Survey found that digital marketing was the No. 1-ranked CEO priority for technology-enabled business capability for investment during the next five years.

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