Monday, November 03, 2014

Tips for Remarketing

Creating custom, sophisticated remarketing lists with Analytics. With Analytics, it’s possible to create robust remarketing lists to segment and target potential customers. For example, you can segment by demographic information, the technology used to visit the site, session recency and frequency, transactions, date of visit, the source customers found you with.
Layering targeting methods with remarketing. A remarketing list by itself can be a powerful tool, but take it a step further by adding even more targeting layers. For example, if you’re retargeting a user who abandoned your cart, it would be best to do so while they’re on the web browsing a related topic rather than something unrelated. For example, if you’re a makeup brand, it would be best to target that user while they were browsing beauty related content.
Utilize and act on reach and frequency data. As discussed in class, it can be annoying when a brand shows you too many ads. However, it has also been demonstrated that showing a message more often can lead to conversions. So how often is the sweet spot? Check out your reach and frequency report within the Dimensions tab in AdWords to view at what frequency you’re getting the most conversions. Set your frequency cap there.
Test out Remarketing for Dynamic Search Ads: Dynamic Search ads is a feature in AdWords that will comb the content of your website to dynamically create search headlines. This can save a lot of manual time and effort in creating a custom experience. Utilize this neat trick to show dynamic search ads to users who have previously visited your site. Utilizing remarketing lists, you can show a potential customer an ad for a product they have previously viewed. While lower in volubme, this type of targeting has proven to increase conversion rates.

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