Thursday, July 10, 2014

Square Space Super Bowl Ad Investment - WOE or WOW?

I was surprised when this week's guest speaker shared that Square Space shelled out the big bucks for a short Super Bowl commercial. Given the size of the company and the expensive price tag for Super Bowl airtime, it seemed a bold move for the company to invest so much advertising budget in that way. It made sense, though, after the speaker shared that TV commercials proved to have the greatest reach (remember that neat spike graph that showed site visitors and how they peaked during commercials?)

If any of you are curious, Square Space's Super Bowl ad can be found here.
This website was a bit critical of the ad and noted that the commercial may not have resonated with everybody -- "For your grandmother who still uses a landline telephone, on the other hand, the Squarespace Super Bowl spot will make about as much sense as Sanskrit."

Given that grandmothers with landline telephones probably aren't their target customer, though... I really liked the ad and thought it was a job well done.

What do you all think?

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