Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Uber: marketing strategies with a twist

Uber has been walking a fine line between marketing genius and absurdity.

At the end of last year, it ran a promotion in honor of National Cat Day, offering to shuttle kittens to your home or office for the 'low' price of $20. A couple of weeks ago, the company presented customers with the option to order a 'wedding on demand' as part of the its promotional campaign during Pride Weekend.

The wedding campaign was cute, but for me, it had Uber opportunism written all over it.  The question is, where do we draw the line on promotional creativity, particularity when it leverages symbolic community events as flagrantly and inappropriately as it did last month. 

All the big brands have been guilty of distasteful event appropriation at one point or another, but with the backdrop of price gouging accusations and ongoing conflicts with resident taxi associations, I wonder whether Uber might be pushing its reputational credentials a little too far.




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