Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Reality TV Goes Online

As if there isn’t enough reality television on television, it’s now showing up on the web too. A new site called Google Idol (no relation to the Google Inc.) is host to a slew of online video contests and games modeled after reality TV. A popular reality show that has been simulated online is American Idol. The article in today’s WSJ notes how some teenage boys competed in an online “Idol” contest to win the attention of a girl they both liked. They won the competition with their video rendition of the Beatles’ I Want to Hold Your Hand!

Despite the silliness, companies and networks are partaking in interactive online games and contests in an effort to create more buzz around their brands and shows. AOL, for example, partnered with the producer of The Apprentice to launch an online trivia contest called Gold Rush. Final rounds, hosted by an Entertainment Tonight host, will be filmed and shown as “webisodes” on AOL.com.

Everyone seems to win in this situation – the networks who get more visibility, and the participants, some of whom are hoping to propel themselves to stardom. So for those who are sick of the overwhelming amount of reality television, reality web programming is only growing. Its presence and reach is limitless as it’s available everywhere, 24 hours a day. “Reality” is no longer limited to prime time.

Full article at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB115983680201080700-search.html?KEYWORDS=virtual+reality&COLLECTION=wsjie/6month

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