Saturday, February 21, 2009

Luxury Sector and the Internet

The internet provides another big opportunity for the luxury sector, however, creating a luxury shopping experience on the web can be challenging. The emotional aspect is critical to address. The luxury sector has often been slow to provide websites through which consumers can purchase goods.

In my recent research on the cosmetics industry for the class project, I noticed that Kiehls Since 1851 is really trying to create a “personalized” touch to its website, which is key to attract new and existing customers. Although Kiehls does relatively little online advertising, and strives for a more viral approach, its “Personalized Consultation” function on the website is very appealing ( It basically asks the customer a series of survey questions to determine which Kiehl products would be best for her/him. I think that this is pretty cool and ties back to the emotional aspect of having the “luxury” experience when purchasing cosmetics and other high end products online.

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