Saturday, February 07, 2009

Personalized Ads Pack Bigger Punch

There was an interesting article in eMarketer recently that provided data to support the idea that targetted online ads reap greater reweards for advertisers. The data follows nicely from our class discussions and the presentation from our guest speaker.

While it is intuitive that targetted ads are more effective, what is interest the debate over privacy. In order to targer adsIn particular ChoiceStream noted that in its surveys 41% of people are more likely to pay attention to (and ultimately click on) an ad if it is specific to their interests. This percent increases for people that spend more money online. However, the data also shows that people surfing the web are willing to go through extra means to prevent thrid parties from tracking their web history -- more than 40% of those surveyed indicated that they would opt into a registry that would keep third parties from tracking their internet usage preferences.

It begs the question, would you be willing to release aspects of your identity and wed history to unknown parties to their benefit?

Source: eMarketer.

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