Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Competition after Apple's iPad

Ok, the iPad has been everywhere in the news. Most people that don't have one have actively criticized the tablet concept arguing that there is no real need to have one and that it won't do the job of a laptop or the job or an iphone. Perhaps they are right. Perhaps they're not. It can be a long debate, so I will not get into it!

The real question when considering the future of the iPad and the tablet market is:

What comes after the iPad?

It may have taken a long time for the competition to respond to Apple’s iPod and iPhone. Not so much with the iPad: All sorts of companies — Google, Sony and Research in Motion, to name a few — are sitting up and taking notice of the iPad, thanks to Apple’s claim that it sold a million of its tablets in less than a month.

There is clearly a lot of movement in these big companies suggesting that the future tablet market has a lot of potential. It is only a matter of time until competition starts to sell their new tablets with increasing productivity and improved features. The new battle will have started and we will be witnesses of the new media trends that are about to start (if they haven't started yet with the iPad)...

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