Thursday, October 10, 2013

A-B InBev on Facebook Ad Sales

At A-B Inbev, it is important to keep their beers as a constant topic of online conversation.  Luckily, beer is a social network in and of itself and many pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and tweets revolve around beer.  Since beer is a "social" drink, it becomes more important that Inbev's branded beers become more a part of social conversation than other beers.  Lucas Herscovici, VP of digital marketing is doing everything he can to make sure this is possible. 
Recently, Inbev announced that Bud Light saw a 6x ROI on ad spend by using Facebook.  They were able to discover this by using a company called "Datalogix" which matches a consumer's Facebook ID with their purchases at stores and chains with their loyalty cards.  This is all done anonymously.   They were able to use this company to evaluate how the exposure through their Facebook marketing affected sales.  It was interesting to note that Lucas said he didn't want to only post to the fan pages which have 6M followers.  He wanted to reach a broader audience and therefore had to use paid media on Facebook.  He also launched a live stream with Pandora and Spotify which proved effective and said it was a very low cost per view. 
It's interesting seeing Inbev experiment with new ways of digital marketing.  Companies like Datalogix provide information that could enable other companies to get on board with Facebook and other social media advertising with more comfort on tracking their ROI.  Inbev seems to be a leader in this and it will be interesting as other companies and industries experiment with new types of advertising.

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