Friday, February 06, 2015

Must Watch: Woo Woo?

This simple, one-minute video by Adobe Marketing Cloud aptly captures the real struggles of marketers in today's social media platform that transforms everyday (and the interval continues to shorten). In the video, this imaginary social media site "Woo Woo" initially seems like where the young and hip people congregate now, and the excited marketers go all-in on Woo Woo marketing strategies. Literally within a minute, Woo Woo turns out to be a fad where those cool guys' moms are on Woo Woo.

The message here is, do you know what your marketing is doing? I would say this is a brilliant advertisement for Adobe Marketing Cloud, and guess where I saw this commercial, too - Hulu! Advertising digital analytics tool by using digital marketing. Uniform message, consistent identity, and clear target. And a sense of humor is definitely a plus. Great job, Adobe.

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