Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Results Are In: Quit Facebook Day a Bust

Did you vow to quit Facebook yesterday? Did you actually follow through?

If you were too busy lying on the beach for Memorial Day, you're with the majority of users who did NOT opt out on the declared "Quit Facebook Day." Only 31,000 users were upset enough about the recent unpublicized privacy policy changes to follow through. That's 0.007% of the 450 million users the site currently boasts...likely a smaller percentage than was expected. Apparently, Facebook can still command the online social marketing space despite its missteps in recent months. Will people begin to quit on their own, or was this the only day to make an impact in resigning one's membership on the site?

Results from a Mashable poll were interesting in discerning perhaps why people did not pull the trigger:

Yes. My privacy is very important to me 25.6%

No! Facebook is my life. 42.6%

No. My mom would kill me. 21.1%

I don't have a Facebook account. 10.7%

Total responses: 10,340

It'll be interesting to see what ensues, but in the meantime, leave your thoughts about the quitting trend based on the most recent results of yesterday's attempt. Will you be quitting in the near future?

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