Tuesday, December 01, 2015

34% of Thanksgiving/Black Friday Online Sales Made By Mobile; Cyber Monday Sales Reach New Highs

Adobe, which tracked approximately 4,500 sites in the past week,  confirmed that Thanksgiving and Black Friday online sales netted $4.45 billion this year with 34%(!) of purchases made by mobile phones (the large majority being smart phones). Other interesting stats:
  • Thanksgiving online sales were up 26% this year, according to IBM, though it is unclear whether this rise was due to (1) online sales outpacing in store sales and/or (2) more online stores opening up sales to customers on Thanksgiving rather than waiting until Black Friday
  • The average value of online purchases may be falling. IBM confirmed that the average order was $123.45, down from $125.25 last year and $132 in 2013
    • This change is alarming. Are stores offering on average lower valued goods or higher discounts OR are economic conditions forcing consumers to pull back their spending (probably the former)
  • Smart phone shoppers spent $117.87 per order
  • 57% of Thanksgiving shopping traffic came from mobile phones though only 34% of purchases were made by mobile
  • Black Friday sales jumped 14% YoY
As for Cyber Monday, sales hit a new high of $2.98 billion, a 12% annual increase. Other interesting stats:
  • Out-of-stock rates hit a new high of 13%, 2x the normal rate
  • The U.S. cities with the greatest growth in online sales were Dallas Fort Worth, Chicago and Los Angeles
  • Consumer sentiment was 16% more positive on Cyber Monday than Thanksgiving/Black Friday

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2015/11/28/thanksgiving-online-sales/#.oxpvr2:R4xy

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