Saturday, December 01, 2012

Productivity tips for a digital world

In an interview with Chris Anderson, the former editor-in-chief of Wired magazine and author of 'The Long Tail' and 'Free', shares some of his daily routines. The full interview is on the link below. Here are some interesting excerpts:

  • Keynote on the iPad for presentations is the only software I use that actually makes me happy. I don't think it's possible to make an ugly presentation in Keynote 
  • My #1 productivity secret: Don't watch TV. Ever.
  • I've got a Samsung Chromebook next to the bed, and when I wake up I try to clear out the overnight email before I get up. I know I've got a deadline (I need to take the kids to school) so that forces some pretty efficient and telegraphic responses. I pretty much type as fast as I can for half an hour—it gets the brain going and primes me for the day.
  • When I've got to get some writing done, I turn on my Strict Pomodoro plug-in in Chrome. It shuts off all internet distractions, such as email, for 20 minutes, then sounds a bell and lets me back at them for 5 minutes. I can spend a whole day like this: 20-5, 20-5... When I really need to concentrate, it's the only thing that works for me.

Full interview:

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